Here are some sample photos from my new Holga Digital camera (downsized to fit on the blog page).
Last year I backed the Holga Digital project on Kickstarter. Here’s my unboxing of my Holga Artist kit with the photos taken by my Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone. 1. Bubble-wrapped box removed from plastic envelope. 2. Opening the box reveals all the goodies. [...]
Back in April 2014 I backed a Kickstarter projected called “Meet OTTO – The Hackable GIF Camera” and finally last month THEY DELIVERED. The idea was for a camera that takes photos, one frame at a time, and makes animated GIF files [...]
After a great conference experience at Open Source Bridge 2014 I began to scratch my head at exactly what was it I learned? I don’t mean about how natural and wonderful tolerance and diversity feels, as it is well-practiced at OSB, or how great it is to assemble with technical people with [...]
Uncensored by Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Google, the Mobile Tech Report 2014 is now available for your Kindle, Nook and Android devices. Of course Apple rejected it since it actually mentioned other technology providers besides Apple. There’s no tolerance for other technology in the iOS walled garden. On the other hand if you have [...]