GreatApps.com has selected SwamiRoberts as a great Entertainment app. Checkout the site and the Swami for the smartphone nearest you right here.
Never to follow a crowd, especially to a jackpot of cash, the contrarian at pdxmobile.com has decided the growth and gold of native apps is destined to come a cropper. Is he wrong? Is there still any money left for native app developers now that Instagram grabbed a cool $1 billion from Facebook? Decide for [...]
Wisdom and wit is overflowing from Swami Roberts and now there is a Swami Roberts 2 app available for Android. You can find out more at the Swami’s website swamiroberts.com or go directly to the Android market here. In any event, be sure to enjoy over two thousand collected sayings of the Swami now in [...]
The time has come the Walmart said to speak of many things, of convergence and dataplans, of handset OEMs and carrier plans, of mismanagement and things. PDXmobile.com has been polishing its crystal ball and has 10 top predictions to rock the mobile industry in 2012. Overall PDXmobile is seeing 2012 as an incremental year, despite [...]
Another iOS AddTo Travel app is upon us. AddTo Italy with photos from Florence, Venice and Rome is now available in the iTunes App Store. You can find it here. You have to admire the AddTo guys who keep finding interesting places and photos for us to indulge in. Create your own map with photos [...]
Portland Open Studios has come and gone for 2011 where 100 artists shared their homes and studios and art with the public. The iPhone and iPad universal app is still available and you can find it here. If you do want to see some of the art you missed and catch up on what Portland [...]
AddTo Honolulu is now available. You can find it here. AddTo Oahu is also now available. You can find it here. It’s been awhile since there have been new AddTo apps. That’s because the Mindwarm engineers behind the scenes have been doing consulting projects and engineering other technology yet-to-arrive, but in progress nonetheless. So sit [...]
pdxmobile.com has been thinking about some hot mobile topics. Hang around mobile development long enough and you will hear developers speak of their hatred of RIM. Check out Why do developers HATE RIM? On a more positive note, what does The Future of Mobile Search have in store for us? Check out these new mobile [...]